From making friends to gaining confidence with numbers and letters, you would have plenty to learn when you begin schooling. Several children would learn numerous things through play. However, in the present times, reading skills have also been taught systematically. It would begin right from the nursery days all the way through to their initial years in primary school.
It could be relatively puzzling to work out on how to best support your kid during the early stages of reading. It would be especially true when the teaching methods might have changed largely since you were at school. Letters and Words Singapore would help you build the reading skills of your child. They would also guide you on how to assist them while having fun with reading.
You could also look forward to joining the best phonics school for children in Singapore. They would be able to handle your specific needs and requirements in the best manner possible.
Understanding Phonics and its Importance
You may often wonder about phonics. It would be best described as a means of using letter sounds to assist you in reading the words.
A majority of schools in most parts of the world would teach reading through phonics. The major reason why phonics has been popular with teachers would be its ability to work with children in the best manner possible. Consequently, the official school curriculum insists that children are required to be taught to read using a systematic phonics system.
Letters and Words Singapore would insist children develop their listening skills before they even begin to start learning letter names and sounds. It would be done to help them tune into the various sounds in words.
How does it work?
After the children would begin to read words with the common letter and sound combinations, they would move to learn several alternative combinations. They would begin practicing reading very complex words. It would be pertinent to mention here that when the children actually finish the first year, a majority of them could look forward to reading almost everything that would be a familiar English word.
During the second year, the children would develop their skills further. They would practice using phonics in order to read and spell words that have been relatively less familiar and largely challenging.
The phonics school for children in singapore would ensure that the children also understand, learn, and enjoy what they read. The teachers would look forward to encouraging children to talk about, think about, and enjoy the reading.